In this blog I hope to share all kinds of info on games, books, movies, and more.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my new music (bing bing!)

I got a new music C.D. yesterday called "crazy frog". It is really awesome music made better and a little bit funny. Crazy frog music isn't always old music, it is usually new songs that are edited or new music altogether. I got the "crazy frog crazy hits" disc. It is good music that can sometimes amuse and it only cost me $15.00 at Hastings. you should probably think about getting it.☺☻

Monday, September 29, 2008

my campout!!!

Last weekend (September 26-28 2008) i went on a camporee with my boyscout troop. Since this was a Camporee we were not the only troop there, in fact, there were around 9 or 10 troops composed of 3 or 4 patrols & each patrol usually has 4-8 people in it. In all there were tons of people and quite a few cub scouts... and some people who weren't even in scouts. My dad, brother and I kmuhufhaduifeaighrhgisefnjewahfoahgsdiuhgaoshfugafheaioahgfuirehgyagfeagfhgesghaufbgygnurgfewfe
sry went a little crazy there. my dad, brother and I brought the dog(Kiko) to the Camporee! yay! yipee! ya-hoo! jellitan! oh never mind your probably not even reading right now. oh bulldog drool. well the campout was fun... cold-warm-cold-warm-superhot-cold fun!☺☻

Thursday, September 25, 2008

my far.

my day today ROCKED i did my math at 6:00 A.M., went to band class, did my science, played, did my weaver, and now im blogging........ THEN I WILL PLAY MORE!!!!!YIPPE! why are you still reading? you should be grabbing a coffee instead of wasting your time. what? do you expect me to post a picture? get moving! oh fine ill post a picture!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

my day is going GREAT so far and i am almost done with school. so, i decided "hey, I'll go blog about how fantasmic my day is.(and use tons of supercalifragilisticexbealidotious word while i'm at it)" so here i am at my computerholdingwadgeyamacallit typing on my board full of keys using silly words like "transmogrify". yesterday I discovered how to skydive,in halo, from above the invisible wall. in halo CE you can TELEPORT! so i splitmyatoms(teleported)and went above the invisble wall and....i....died. then i turned on invulnerability and went at it again WOOHOO!!!so, i conclude, this week has been fantasmicly, trnsmogrifiably, supercalifragilistcexbyalidosciously awesome!

Monday, September 22, 2008

my new stuff!!!!

during the last few weeks I got a ton of new stuff that i didn't expect to be getting. I got a new mouse first(its optical!!!)then a new *LCD* monitor for my computer, then a new computer entirely. most recently ,however, i got a new PHONE!!!and it WORKS!!!! at this point you will probably ask "hmm. did you get a new xbox too?" answer: no, i do not have , nor want, an xbox.

Friday, September 19, 2008


today(September 19)is international talk like a pirate day! arr we be havin fun with ar scurvy dog(arr, he be Kiko)we be talkin like pirates and talkin ter eachother yar har har! It as bin a good day today and we been havvin FUN! thank you, now try to read it