In this blog I hope to share all kinds of info on games, books, movies, and more.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Review on "The Tempest" & "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream"

I think that both "The Tempest" and "A.M.S.N.D"("a Mid Summer Night's Dream") are great reads and anyone who likes reading Shakespeare should read them. So you should try reading them, who knows if you're Shakespeare reader or not, or you might be a storyteller and might change it a little to make it more understandable so you can put it into one of your stories. In the meantime, you should check out this great website,, for some great story stories on CDs.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Neo Pets

In Neo Pets, you create a pet and make a username and password. My user name is wyvern_wing and my pet is tecnakawa(TEK-NU-KAW-WAW)... you should try buildig a neo pet at:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Poem

He is kind,
He is strict,
He is powerful,
He is gentle,
He is angry with those who are evil,
He is happy with those who have faith.
His name is Jealous.