Yay, another blog entry! I should do this more often!
I have a camporee this weekend, it is called the camp-ARR-ee. Imma guess it's pirate themed, but I don't know. It takes place at the Double V scout ranch, nice place, but it won't be getting cold there for ANY reason... save for nuclear winter. I've been there one time before at another camporee called Xtremoree, that was one year ago. Double V is a very sunny place, but the forecast says we'll be getting rain, so i'm packing my rain gear. We now have 5 eagle scouts in our troop, soon to be 6, unfortunately I am not one of them, but I swear, I will be! I may not update much and I am sorry about that, but i have been busy with school and scouts lately, plus saving up for a PS2. I miss some of my PS2 games like Ratchet & Clank, and I also have Metal Gear Solid 3. Unfortunately, we do not have a PS3 that will play PS2 games, so, you know. After that I'm gonna get Metal Gear Solid 2, then i shall have the whole Metal Gear Solid series... until they release Rising, that is.
going camping, buying PS2, working hard at scouts, been working hard in general.